Zinaida Morozova gave a lavish housewarming party on February 8, 1897, at 17 Spiridonovka Street.
Opera singer Feodor Chaliapin, who attended the event, later wrote: “He built himself a new house... and threw a big party, to which I also was invited. In the lobby, near the huge oak staircase leading to the top floor chambers, I noticed something that looked like a fountain and behind it, great panes of colored glass illuminated, it seemed, from within. The glass panes depicted a marvelous armored horse that bore a striking rider, a young knight whom young girls in front of him were welcoming with flowers.
“So you are fond of all warlike,” I said to the host.
“I like victory,” Savva Morozov responded with a smile.”
Source: A. Fedorets, “Savva Morozov”